Sierra Leone Think Tank

The Sierra Leone Think Tank advises and assists the current efforts of CenHTRO's African Programming and Research Initiative to End Slavery project to reduce child trafficking in the country and is helping to create a sustainable national plan to combat human trafficking long term.
As respected and accomplished Sierra Leone-based experts in research, policy, and
programming, the think tank adds nuanced perspectives that enhance and add critical
relevance to APRIES’ anti-trafficking projects. They serve as APRIES’ eyes and ears
in Sierra Leone and will increase the sustainability of our work.
The APRIES think tank consultants are Sia Lajaku-Williams, Reuben Lewis, and Haja
Wurie, who hold expertises in the areas of programming, policy analysis, and research,
“For international research and programming collaborations to be successful and sustainable, local ownership, participation, and contributions are critical,” said CenHTRO Director Dr. David Okech. “Honoring local tacit knowledge and expertise is a win-win for CenHTRO and the countries we work in. We are looking forward to working with Dr. Wurie, Dr. Lewis, and Mrs. Lajaku-Williams in entrenching and sustaining our initiatives in the country.”
The think tank helps APRIES conduct its mission by writing for public and academic audiences, making media appearances on APRIES’ behalf, networking with anti-trafficking stakeholders, and other strategic activities that spread awareness about human trafficking in Sierra Leone.
Sia Lajaku-Williams
Programs consultant Sia Lajaku-Williams has almost two decades of experience managing and overseeing the implementation of
child protection, education, and child labor programs in and around Sierra Leone.
She currently works as a child protection programming and safeguarding consultant,
supporting the work of various local and international NGOs in Sierra Leone. Throughout
her career, Lajaku-Williams has served groups of vulnerable children and young people
within Sierra Leone, and understands the legislative framework and systems that support
the effective implementation of programs around child labor, child trafficking, education,
and community engagement.
“I’m very passionate about child protection issues and child trafficking is very prevalent,”
Lajaku-Williams said. “Whatever way I can support to address this issue, I want to
make sure that I do that.”
Reuben Lewis
Policy consultant Reuben Lewis currently lectures at the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies at Fourah Bay
College, University of Sierra Leone. As a consultant, he has worked with national,
regional, and international institutions on issues of migration and border management.
Lewis helped draft Sierra Leone’s National Migration Policy and conducted research
on human trafficking and irregular migration in West Africa. His previous posts include
the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, and the Hiroshima Peacebuilders
Center in Japan.
“I’m excited to get involved in developing policies that will be responsive to countering
human trafficking and especially child trafficking,” Lewis said.
Haja Wurie
Using a multidisciplinary approach, research consultant Haja Ramatulai Wurie delivers development-focused research for effective policymaking and practice. She
has conducted research on many national issues in Sierra Leone, generating evidence
that informed government policy and donor strategies for building resilient and responsive
systems. She also provided technical assistance to the health systems strengthening
process in Sierra Leone post Ebola, working with in-country and international teams
on the development of the healthcare recovery plan.
“One of the things that stands out for me about the [APRIES] program is that it has brought in local consultants that can bring embedded insights,” Wurie said. “I think that goes a long way in supporting local ownership, local leadership, and sustainability.”